30 de August de 2023

Organic fertilizers: benefits, types and nutrients they provide

Today we are talking about organic fertilizers. Did you know that these types of fertilizers have been used for a long time to increase the fertility of crop fields, improve their properties and develop the […]
30 de August de 2023

Mulch… What is it? What does it do?

The application of Mulch in hydroseeding creates a blanket over the soil surface. Thus, it provides porosity, absorption and protection against erosion to promote a rapid germination of the seed. The characteristic green color of […]
30 de August de 2023

Support of the Xpande Digital Program of the Chamber of Commerce of Valencia

INFERTOSA has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim […]
30 de August de 2023

New website mudnatur.com of Infertosa for natural cosmetics

Infertosa launches its new website www.mudnatur.com for the natural cosmetics sector. This website provides information on the benefits and various forms of application of black peat paste or COSMETIC MOOR MUD on the skin. Infertosa […]
30 de August de 2023


Hydroseeding is a technique for landscaping and landscape restoration, which consists in the projection on the ground of an homogeneous mixture of seeds, mulches, fertilizers and soil stabilizers. The mixture is projected on the ground […]
30 de August de 2023

Infertosa’s support to the LIFE Project and the Aquatic Warbler

A scientific ringing campaign confirms the passage of the Aquatic Warbler in Valencia during its spring migration: 24 specimens were found this year compared to 7 last year. The action, which has been carried out […]
30 de August de 2023

New product Ciemhus Diatomaceous Earth

Infertosa presents its new product this year, CIEMHUS TIERRA DE DIATOMEAS. It is a recommended product for organic farming, 100% natural, comes from fossilized microscopic algae that occur as siliceous sedimentary rocks. When the algae […]
30 de August de 2023


INFERTOSA launches its CIEMHUS FERTIL 4-5-7, a compost of high quality solid organic matter that contains the macronutrients and micronutrients necessary for the growth and development of a large number of crops. Contains vegetable compost […]
30 de August de 2023

Exporgarden Córdoba 2019

As members of the Spanish Association of Garden Centers, from 31/Jan/19 to 1/Feb/2019, INFERTOSA participated in EXPORGARDEN CORDOBA 2019, the annual congress that brings together the main managers of the Garden Centers and collaborating companies. […]
30 de August de 2023

Infertosa at Iberflora 2018

In October, Infertosa meets its annual appointment with Iberflora 2018, the International Plants, Flowers, Landscaping, Technology and Garden DIY Trade Fair. The fair is held every year in Valencia as a meeting point with existing […]
30 de August de 2023


Very much in line with the current trends, INFERTOSA launches its new Ciemhus Universal Ecological Substrate, an ideal substrate for organic gardens and cultivation tables. Its structure improves the circulation of air and water and […]
30 de August de 2023


We are pleased to tell you about @citric_festival, from Torreblanca, Castellon; a contest dedicated to urban art and graffiti, promoted by Torreblanca City Council and sponsored by Infertosa.   It’s an innovative proposal which involves […]
30 de August de 2023

New web of Infertosa

Following its policy of continuous renewal and updating, Infertosa announces the launch of the new website www.infertosa.com. A modern and dynamic site, already available in three versions: Spanish, English and French for international customers. It […]