Get started with an urban garden
30 de August de 2023
Infertosa is awarded with 1st Prize for Sustainable Development
30 de August de 2023How do you take care of your cactus and succulents? Every day these types of plants are increasingly present in the decoration of both homes, offices and gardens. Their different shapes and shades of green make them ideal for any space. Another advantage of cacti and succulents is that all kinds of people can take care of them, both plant lovers and those who find it difficult to grow plants are able to take care of them.
Cacti and succulents are grateful plants because they perfectly manage their water resources by storing it in different parts of their structure. Do they need irrigation? Yes, of course, but they administer it themselves in such a way that it makes them very resistant.
What is the difference between cacti, succulents and succulents? Is there any?
To begin with, we want you to know the differences between cacti, succulents and succulents. In botany, not many distinctions are made. Cacti and succulents are in the same family, the succulent family that has about 8000 different species. The different species are due to the evolution of the plant according to the climate, soil and way of storing water, adapting to the environment in which it has grown.
Cactus: they come from desert places, with little rainfall and have transformed their leaves into thorns as a defense to maintain their water reserves in the trunk of the plant. In case you did not know, the thorns protect the plant from the sun and help it not to dehydrate in the photosynthesis process and to capture the drops of morning dew. There are more than 15 genera of cacti with 73 species with different shapes, varieties of aspects, colors and flowering depending on the environment where they live.
Succulents: They also store water, but in their leaves, which are fleshy and depending on irrigation, they expand more or less.
Both succulents and cacti are perfect for creating gardens in rocky places or with little water consumption, that is why they are also ideal for people who forget to water their plants regularly.
Another characteristic of cacti and succulents is that they have few roots and can adapt to any environment, even growing between stones or rocks.
The flowering of cacti and succulents is very short, lasts a short time … but even if they do not have flowers, they are elegant and give joy to any space.
Both cacti and succulents can be multiplied by cuttings, especially in spring; so, when they grow up you can prepare small pots to give to family and friends … because gifting a plant is always a success..
Now that we know more about cacti and succulents, let’s talk about their care.
Care of Cactus and succulent plants
Cacti and succulents don’t need much care, the conditions of their natural habitat are extreme, they grow in desert, arid and dry lands; but they find what they need in their environment.
If you want your cacti and succulents to grow strong, use the right substrate, with the necessary particles and nutrients and the right watering, it is very important to make them look beautiful.
The substrate for cacti and succulents must offer good drainage and porosity to avoid puddling of the roots and the air from penetrating, drying out the humidity; this way you will provide a good basis for their development.
At Infertosa we have a special substrate for cacti and succulents: the Ciemhus Cactus Substrate, composed of natural volcanic gravel, siliceous sand, Sphagnum peat, black peat and coconut fiber. If you want to know more about our substrate click here.
You can find our substrate for cacti and succulents in your gardening stores or online.
To finish our post today we leave a video with a beautiful plant arrangement made with cacti and succulents, you’ll find out that it’s very easy to do it for your office, kitchen or dining room, and you’ll discover that it will make the space look beautiful.